Spies in the Phishing Underground
An anonymous reader sent Slashdot to Net-Security.org for an interview with security researchers Nitesh Dhanjani and Billy Rios. The two researchers managed to infiltrate the phishing underground with the intent of simply examining phishing sites. However, they discovered a much deeper and complex system that supports the business of phishing.
"For the next few years, we are going to continue to apply band-aids around the problem of data leakage, and continue to play whack-a-mole with the phishers without solving the actual problem at hand," says Dhanjani. "In order to make any significant progress, we must come up with a brand new system that does away with depending on static identifiers. We will know we've accomplished this when we will be able to publish our credit reports publicly without fearing for our identities."
See net-security.org for the complete interview.
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