Microchips Everywhere: a Future Vision
Slashdot notes a lengthy article posted last Saturday describing the near future as having microchips with antennas embedded in almost everything you buy, wear, drive and read.
With so many objects with RFID tags relaying information to databases that can be linked to credit and bank cards, almost no aspect of life may soon be safe from the prying eyes of corporations and governments, says Mark Rasch, former head of the computer-crime unit of the U.S. Justice Department.
He envisions a future where anyone from police to identity thieves to stalkers might scan locked car trunks, garages, or home offices from a distance. "Think of it as a high-tech form of Dumpster diving," says Rasch, who's also concerned about data gathered by "spy" appliances in the home.
For the full article, see washingtonpost.com
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